Michelle Quigley
Social Worker / Family Therapist
Michelle has extensive experience in the assessment and treatment of children, and their families. This has been developed over a period of twenty five years of working in a range of services, in the areas of child and youth mental health, child development, and parenting support and training.
Since 2005, Michelle has worked as a Family Consultant preparing family reports, providing counselling and family therapy, and conducting dispute resolution at the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Court of Australia and at Legal Aid Queensland. Prior to commencing in private practice in 2014, Michelle was the Senior Family Consultant at the Family Law Courts for several years.
Michelle has a Bachelor of Social Work and a Graduate Certificate in Family Therapy. She is a member of the Australian Association of Social Workers and the Family Law Practitioners Association Qld.
Michelle is recognised as a Regulation 7 Family Consultant, preparing family reports for the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and the Family Court of Australia. Michelle is a registered Dispute Resolution Practitioner (Attorney Generals Department) and able to issue S601 Certificates.